Kids Ages 4-5 With Speech-Language Delays Needed for Word Learning Study!

Laurence Leonard

Primary Investigator

Kids Ages 4-5 With Speech-Language Delays Needed for Word Learning Study!
4-5 years
Phase N/A
30 participants needed
2 Locations


Researchers from Purdue University are inviting families with 4-5 year-old children to join a study to better understand how children learn new words.

This study is looking for children who are behind in their language developmentYou, your child's preschool teacher, or a speech therapist may be concerned about your child's progress learning language.

For example, your child may qualify if you answer yes to some or all of these questions:
  1. Did your child start talking later than other children? Did they receive early intervention?
  2. Does your child say sentences that are short, and have missing words (such as "Where him go?", "Her like candy")
  3. Is your child hard to understand because they can't pronounce some sounds? Do they receive speech therapy now?
  4. Does your child have trouble following directions?
Study participation involves your child attending in-person study visits at the location of your choice:                            
  1. the Purdue Child Language Lab on the West Lafayette campus  OR                                                                 
  2. the Purdue SLHS Research Lab on Keystone Crossing in Indianapolis, IN.

Compensation will be provided.


What's involved?
  • Attend 1 or 2 one-hour sessions for testing of your child's speech, language, and hearing. These sessions can take place at either the Purdue Child Language Lab on the West Lafayette campus or the Purdue SLHS Research Lab on Keystone Crossing in Indianapolis.
  • If your child qualifies as having a delay in language, there will be 6 more 1-hour sessions, scheduled at a time that's convenient for you. 
Each of the 6 sessions includes:
 1) 30 mins of research activities about word learning.
 2) 30 mins of one-on-one language enrichment activities centered around a children's book. 

  • Families will receive $15 per session (up to $120 total).
  • Children receive a small toy at each session.
  • You will receive a written report of the results of your child’s speech, language, & hearing tests.
How to participate
If you are interested in participating in our study, please submit your information using the contact form below.
You may also reach out to the study team directly. 
For Purdue West Lafayette: (765) 496-2253. For Indianapolis: (765)-496-7547.

Additional Information
Full Study Title:  Retrieval-Based Word Learning in Children with Developmental Language Disorder; IRB protocol # 1603017480

To learn more about our research, visit the Purdue University Child Language Research Lab website:


You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
  • Age: Between 4 Years - 5 Years
  • Gender: All

Additional inclusion criteria
  • Child speaks English as her/his primary language
  • Parent/caregiver concern about or diagnosis of speech-language delay (including IEP eligibility of "speech impairment" or "language impairment")
  • Willing to attend in-person sessions at Purdue's West Lafayette campus or at the Purdue SLHS Research Lab in Indianapolis.
Exclusion criteria
  • A diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder or suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • A history of neurological damage or disease
  • An intellectual disability/cognitive impairment
  • Hearing impairment

Updated on 13 Aug 2024. Study ID: 1603017480

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What happens next?
  • You can expect the study team to contact you via email or phone in the next few days.
  • Sign up as volunteer  to help accelerate the development of new treatments and to get notified about similar trials.

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