Profiling Between-limb Differences for Prospectively Injured and Uninjured Runners: A Dynamical Measures Approach


The purpose of this study is: 1) to determine natural and healthy levels of movement pattern differences between the right and left limb 2) to determine whether these differences may be related to the risk of developing a running related injury.




You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
    Running Training of at least 6 miles per week
  • Age: Between 18 Years - 45 Years
  • Gender: All

Inclusion Criteria: 
 1 - Participated in consistent running training of at least 6 miles per week for a minimum of 6 months.
2- Between the ages of 18 and 45 years.
3- Run a minimum of 6 miles per week for at least the last month.
4- Participant must not smoke on a regular basis
5- Must be able to run at least 20 minutes without stopping
6- Who have been training regularly for the previous 8 weeks if an injury was sustained in the last 6 months
Exclusion Criteria: 
1- Sustained an injury to the lower extremity or back in the past six weeks that caused them to decrease or suspend their running training and they have not yet returned to their normal weekly running mileage.
2- History of back or lower extremity surgery.
3- History of any neurological or musculoskeletal pathologies or diseases.
4- History of cardiovascular or pulmonary disease.

Additional Information:

Updated on 03 May 2024. Study ID: 1909150441

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