Developing the Breast Cancer Self-Efficacy Scale for Partners (BCSES-P)

Andrea Cohee

Primary Investigator

18 years - 100 years
Phase N/A
20 participants needed
1 Location

Brief description of study

Are you, or is someone you know, a partner of a breast cancer survivor?
Breast cancer can be a scary and hard situation for your significant other and for YOU. Partners experience a lot of stress after the diagnosis. Finding ways to help them is important. This study is seeking partners of breast cancer survivors to learn about partners' needs after a significant other (wife, partner, girlfriend) is diagnosed with breast cancer. You will be asked a series of questions about what your significant other’s breast cancer experience was like for you, what resources you needed, and how you got through it.
You may gain satisfaction from participating in a study aimed at improving the lives of partners whose significant others have had cancer.

Detailed description of study

Participants will be asked to complete a 1-hour interview either in-person or over-the-phone.

Eligibility of study

You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions: cancer,breast cancer,healthy,partners,spouses
  • Age: 18 years - 100 years
  • Gender: All

Eligibility Criteria
Participants will receive a $25 giftcard for their participation.

Parking vouchers will also be given for parking for the study visits in Indianapolis.

TO SEE IF YOU QUALIFY, Please Click On This Link to be Directed to the Online Survey

Updated on 01 Aug 2024. Study ID: 1905795920


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