Stuart Warden

Primary Investigator

Not Recruiting
50-80 years
Phase N/A
100 participants needed
1 Location


Are you or someone you know a post-menopausal woman, between the ages of 50-80, who has experienced a fracture after the age of 50 OR who has never experienced a fracture?
JOIN OUR BONE HEALTH STUDY and help researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicne test a new technology that may improve the diagnosis of osteoporosis!
In this study, women with a history of fracture of an arm or leg due to non-traumatic event (such as from a fall from standing height) will be compared to women with no history of fracture to determine if a new technology can help to better understand bone health and diagnose osteoporosis.
Participation involves a one-time study visit to University Hospital in Indianapolis,IN and compensation is provided.


Who Is Eligible To Participate?
Females, 50-80 years of age, who are post-menopausal (have not had a menstrual cycle (i.e., a period) in the past 24-months) AND:
1) Have experienced a fragility fracture of the arms (including wrist fractures) or legs (including hip or ankle fractures) after the age of 50 years
2) have never experienced a fragility fracture
Additional criteria:
  • Must be physically able to safely participate in the study activities
  • Body mass index between 18.5 and 35 kg/m2.
  • No history of certain disorders (e.g., type 1 diabetes, osteomalcia, bone cancer, myeloma, Pagets disease, severe kidney disease (including dialysis or transplant), Parkinson’s disease, etc.)
  • Must not be taking certain medications (e.g., certain corticosteroids, such as cortisone, prednisone, and dexamethasone)
  • Must not be living in a nursing home (persons living in assisted or independent housing will still be considered)
**Study clinicians will determine individual eligibility.
What Is Involved If I Participate?
Attend a single study visit (approx. 3 hrs) at IU Health University Hospital in Indianapolis, IN 
During the visit, participants will:
  • Answer questions to confirm that they are eligible to participate
  • Perform some simple tests of their physical ability (for example, how fast they walk and how strong they can squeeze their hand)
  • Be assessed on two machines; 1) Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (or DXA) to measure bone density and 2) Cortical Bone Mechanics Technologyto measure bone stiffness
Will I Be Compensated for Participating?
  • Participants will receive a free DEXA (bone density) scan and $100 at the completion of the study (those who are determined to be ineligible at the time of screening will receive $20)
How Can I Participate In This Study?
**IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN THIS STUDY, please reach out to the study team directly by contacting Dr. Stuart Warden at email stwarden@iu.edu or phone: (317) 278-8401


You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
  • Age: Between 50 Years - 80 Years
  • Gender: Female

Females, 50-80 years of age, who are post-menopausal (have not had a menstrual cycle (i.e., a period) in the past 24-months) AND:
1) Have experienced a fragility fracture of the arms (including wrist fractures) or legs (including hip or ankle fractures) after the age of 50 years
2) have never experienced a fragility fracture
Additional criteria:
  • Must be physically able to safely participate in the study activities
  • Body mass index between 18.5 and 35 kg/m2.
  • No history of certain disorders (e.g., type 1 diabetes, osteomalcia, bone cancer, myeloma, Pagets disease, severe kidney disease (including dialysis or transplant), Parkinson’s disease, etc.)
  • Must not be taking certain medications (e.g., certain corticosteroids, such as cortisone, prednisone, and dexamethasone)
  • Must not be living in a nursing home (persons living in assisted or independent housing will still be considered)
  • **Study clinicians will determine individual eligibility
Additional Information:
Study Title:  Assessment of Cortical Bone Mechanics Technology Fracture Discrimination Capability

Indiana Center for Musculoskeletal Health FIT Corehttps://medicine.iu.edu/research-centers/musculoskeletal/clinical-service-cores/Clinical-Research-FIT-Core

Updated on 15 May 2024. Study ID: 10019

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