Enhancing shared decision-making to prompt and guide individualized care for people with Alzheimer's Disease and Diabetes

April Savoy

Primary Investigator

Enrolling By Invitation
50-85 years
Phase N/A
76 participants needed
7 Locations


For patients and caregivers, ADRD-DM presents unique challenges for detecting and preventing hypoglycemia.Individualized care for people with ADRD-DM should be based on patient and caregiver goals along with patients’ cognitive and physical abilities, reported outcomes, and hypoglycemia risk, based largely on prior hypoglycemic events. Providing details of hypoglycemic events and risks through adaptations of CGM that produce more accessible and interpretable information can prompt and guide shared decision-making to individualize ADRD-DM care, mitigating risks of adverse events. 
Aim 1: Characterize ADRD-DM patient-caregiver decision-making and unmet needs while using CGM to detect hypoglycemia. 
Aim 2: Adapt CGM by designing a novel, interactive information technology tool (CGM ASSIST) for the purpose of enhancing shared decision-making          in optimizing individualized care. Patients, caregivers, and clinicians will be engaged in the development via a user-centered design process.




You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
    Alzheimers Disease,diabetes,hypoglycemia,ADRD-DM
  • Age: Between 50 Years - 85 Years
  • Gender: All

To be eligible for participation in this study, a patient-caregiver dyad must meet the following inclusion criteria: 1. The patient has received a diagnosis of probable or possible Alzheimer’s disease, related dementia and diabetes (ADRD-DM) and receives care at the Eskenazi Health or IU Health primary care clinics. 2. The patient has a caregiver who is willing to participate in the study. 3. The caregiver is at least 18 years of age and does not have visual impairment interfering with the use of a smartphone. 4. Both patient and caregiver are community-dwelling in Indiana. 5. If the patient with ADRD-DM lacks capacity to consent to research, he or she must have a legal representative to consent on his or her behalf. 6. If the patient lacks capacity to consent to research, he or she gives assent to research participation. 7. The caregiver reports seeing the individual with ADRD-DM most days of the week.
The following was listed for patients. There were no specific exclusion criteria for clinicians. Exclusion criteria include patient prior CGM use, terminal illness, and CGM manufacturer’s exclusion guidelines: dialysis, ascorbic acid supplements, implanted medical devices, a bleeding disorder, pre-existing arm skin lesions interfering with CGM usage, allergy to medical adhesives or isopropyl alcohol, or plans for imaging or high-frequency electrical heat (diathermy) treatment during the study period.

Updated on 01 Aug 2024. Study ID: 13925
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