Pilot Study of Smartphone-based Noninvasive Blood Hemoglobin Assessments


To investigate the accuracy and efficacy of newly developed algorithm calculating blood hemoglobin level from pictures of inner eyelid using smartphones. When subjects get routine blood-draws, the study team will photograph the subject's inner eyelids to compare the smartphone's software's ability to measure hemoglobin compared to the normal blood lab test.
This study is recruiting patients admitted to IU Health Arnett Hospital in Lafayette, IN ONLY.


Subjects with GI bleeding or traumatic injury will be recruited from IU Health Arnett Hospital and be presented with the study in a private room or setting. The study team will guide interested subjects through the informed consent process and be provided sufficient time to ask questions and make a truly informed decision. The study procedures, taking images of the inner eyelids, will occur before or after the subject receives their standard-of-care blood draws, which will typically occur in a private room or phlebotomy clinic. This study will only occur in an inpatient setting and will not require follow-up after subject discharge. The study team will ensure the subject is comfortable with getting their pictures taken at each timepoint and will ensure their privacy and dignity are maintained.


You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
    traumatic brain injury,TBI,GI bleeding,
  • Age: Between 18 Years - 100 Years
  • Gender: All

 Inclusion Criteria:
1. Patients with GI bleeding or traumatic injury admitted at IU Health Arnett Hospital.
2. ≥ 18 years old at the time of informed consent.
3. Ability to provide written informed consent and HIPAA authorization.
 Exclusion Criteria:
1. Visible inflammation of the eye or eyelids.
2. Known eye infection as reported by the patient.

Updated on 30 Apr 2024. Study ID: 14010

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