Changes in Running Gait Complexity Due to a 13-Week Progressive Running Training Program in Novice Runners

Allison Gruber

Primary Investigator

Changes in Running Gait Complexity Due to a 13-Week Progressive Running Training Program in Novice Runners


The purpose of this study is: 1) to determine if and how you run changes after a prolonged treadmill run; 2) to determine if changes in how you run can be observed following a 3-week progressive running training program; and 3) to determine if changes in how you run can be observed following a 13-week progressive running training program.


We measure how your lower extremity, center of mass, and head move before, during, and at the end of the running training program. The running training includes a typical week of running for you plus 12 weeks of progressively increasing your mileage (13 weeks total). If you are enrolled in the study, you will be asked to come into the IU Biomechanics laboratory (Bloomington, IN) to perform a gait analysis and examine your running form at the start of the training program, after the 4th week, and after the 12th week of the training program. The gait analysis involves running over-ground in the lab and on a treadmill with sensors placed on your feet, legs, hips, and head. The treadmill run will simulate a normal run for you, in either time or miles. Following the visit to the lab for the baseline analysis, you will be given a Fitbit and activity monitor to track your running mileage and general activity. You will be given a running training program to follow that has you performing your normal weekly running mileage for week 1 and then progressively increases your weekly running mileage using a periodization of three, 4-week cycles. Each 4-week cycle will include three loading weeks and one recovery week. At the end of the 13th week, you will return your activity monitor and be gifted the Fitbit Inspire that you'll have used as a subject. You will also receive a detailed gait report (a $200 value).


You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
  • Age: Between 18 Years - 40 Years
  • Gender: All

Inclusion Criteria
Began running at least 3 months ago.
Between the ages of 18-40 years.
Can run continuously for 20 minutes.
Run an average of 3-20 miles per week.

Exclusion Criteria
Regularly smoke tobacco
Sustained an injury to the lower extremity or back in the past six weeks that caused them to decrease or suspend their running training and they have not yet returned to their normal weekly running mileage
History of back or lower extremity surgery
History of any neurological or musculoskeletal pathologies or diseases
History of cardiovascular or pulmonary disease
Additional Information:
The in-lab data collections for this is study take place in Bloomington, IN.

Participants will be compensated for their participation.

Updated on 02 May 2024. Study ID: 1703809264

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