Children Ages 10-14 and Their Parents Needed For Life Events, Brain, and Behavior Study!

Kathleen Crum

Primary Investigator

Children Ages 10-14 and Their Parents Needed For Life Events, Brain, and Behavior Study!
10 years - 100 years
Phase N/A
18 participants needed
2 Locations

Brief description of study


Researchers at Indiana University are inviting children (ages 10-14) and their parents (ages 18+) to take part in a study to learn more about how life experience and stress affect how parents and children think, feel and act.

One child per family will be asked to participate along with their parent.

This study will compare two groups: parents who have had histories of alcohol use problems and parents who have never had any problems with alcohol use.
Study participation involves phone calls via Microsoft Teams, one in-person study visit at Goodman Hall on the IU Indianapolis Campus in Indianapolis, IN, and two sets of follow-up questionnaires.

Detailed description of study

What is Involved if I participate?
1) Parents will complete a brief screening phone call to determine eligibility of them and their child.
2) If both the parent and child are eligible for the study, then they will be invited to attend an in-person study visit (approx 4 hrs) at Goodman Hall on IUPUI campus (326 W 15th St, Indianapolis, IN 46202).
3) After completing the in-person study visit at Goodman Hall, participants will complete follow-up questionnaires online about 6 months after the study visit, and again about 12 months after the study visit.
The study visit will involve the following:
• You and your child will both be asked to answer questions and fill out surveys about things that have happened in your lives and thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
• You and your child will provide urine and saliva samples.
• Your child will do activities while getting a brain scan in the MRI machine

Will I be compensated for participating?
  • In return for the time and work you put into the study, you will be paid up to $295.
  • Your child may also earn additional payment (up to $14.40) for their performance during two of the MRI activities.

The maximum amount participating parent-child pairs can earn is $309.40 total in the form of a pre-paid gift card. 

How can I participate?
If you want to learn more about this study, or if you’re not sure if you meet the requirements, please call or email our study team:


Additional Information

  • Full study title: Brain Response to Emotion & Reward and Parent Mental Health Among Youth at Risk for Alcohol Use Disorder (GPCR Study)
  • To learn more about PI Kathleen Crum, PhD and her research interests, please visit this link:

Eligibility of study

You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions: All, Riley
  • Age: 10 years - 100 years
  • Gender: All

You and your child may be eligible if:
  • You are 18 years of age or older
  • You have had a very stressful life experience
  • You are your child’s biological (birth) parent
  • Your child is 10-14 years old
  • Your child can have an MRI brain scan (for example, they don’t have metal in their body)

You and your child may NOT be eligible if:
  • Child has claustrophobia
  • Child has a sibling already enrolled and participating in the study
  • Child has a history of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, intellectual disorders, pervasive development disorder or autism spectrum disorder, psychotic disorders, history of neurological problems (epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, brain tumor, cerebrovascular disease) by parent report and/or is pregnant
  • Child has any metal implants, prosthetics, orthodontic devices (such as braces, permanent retainer), transdermal medication patches, piercings and/or hair or eyelash extensions that cannot easily be removed, or metallic ink tattoos on the neck or face
  • Parent has a self-reported history of intellectual disorders, pervasive development disorder or autism spectrum disorder, or psychotic disorders
  • Child and/or parent are monolingual non-English speakers

Updated on 06 Mar 2025. Study ID: 12413, PSYC-IIR-ALCOHOL-USE-DISORDER


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