Caregivers of Individuals Living with Alzheimer's or Related Dementia Needed to Test a Mobile App
Richard Holden
Primary Investigator

18 years or above
200 participants needed
1 Location
Brief description of study
Why is this study being done?
The I-CARE 2 study is looking for unpaid caregivers of community-dwelling individuals living with dementia to test a technological intervention. The purpose of the study is to test the effects of a smart phone application on alleviating caregiver burden and improving the behavioral and psychological health of people living with dementia.
Who can take part?
Unpaid primary caregivers of community-dwelling individuals living with Alzheimer's disease or related dementia (ADRD).
Detailed description of study
What will happen during the study?
- You will be randomly assigned, like the flip of a coin, to use one of two smart phone applications and will receive training to use your assigned app.
- You will be asked to use the app every two weeks.
- Your participation in the study lasts one year, and in addition to using the app, you will complete a series of assessments at baseline, six, and 12 months.
- These assessment appointments take between 1-1.5 hours to complete and take place over the phone, via Zoom, or in person by request.
- You will receive a $25 gift card each time you complete an appointment (baseline, 6- and 12- months), and an additional $25 gift card if all three appointments are completed, for a total of up to $100 in gift cards.
Additional Information
Study title: I-CARE 2: Mobile Telehealth to Reduce Alzheimer'S-related Symptoms
The study is being conducted by Drs. Richard Holden and Malaz Boustani of the Indiana University Schools of Public Health and Medicine. Support for the study is provided by the National Institute on Aging (NIA).
To learn more about Richard Holden, PhD and his research interests, please visit this link:
To learn more about Malaz Boustani, MD, MPH and his research interests, please visit this link:
Eligibility of study
You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:
- Conditions: Healthy, Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia, ADRD
Age: 18 years or above
Gender: All
Caregiver Inclusion Criteria:
- Self-identified primary unpaid caregivers of a person diagnosed with ADRD (at any age) who are also:
- Age ≥ 18 years
- Receiving primary care
- Community-dwelling;
- English literate
- Black/African American and/or Hispanic
Caregiver Exclusion Criteria:
- Care recipient is a permanent resident of an extended care facility (nursing home)
- Involvement in another trial that would prevent or interfere with study objectives
- Have a sensory or other impairment prohibiting the use of a mobile touchscreen device or other study activity (after correction)
- Not English-speaking
Updated on
13 Feb 2025.
Study ID: HEWD-IIR-I-CARE-2, 15749