Latine Teens 13-17 and Their Caregivers Needed for Research Study

Matthew Aalsma

Primary Investigator

Natalie Guerrero

Primary Investigator

Latine Teens 13-17 and Their Caregivers Needed for Research Study
Enrolling By Invitation
13 years - 17 years
Phase N/A
150 participants needed
1 Location

Brief description of study

Why is this study being done?
Caregiver support is important for adolescent mental health and may help young people manage the negative impacts of difficult experiences, such as racial-ethnic discrimination. We hope to learn more about how caregivers support their adolescents and use the information gained from this study to create programs for Latine adolescent health and well-being.
Teens and their caregivers must be able to participate in the study, as it is important for us to gain both perspectives on these topics.
Who can take part in this study?
Teens (ages 13-17) who identify as Latine/Hispanic and a primary caregiver who identifies as Latine/Hispanic.

Detailed description of study

What will happen during the study?

  • Teens and parents/caregivers will complete a 30-minute survey.
  • The survey will be conducted online by the teen and parent separately at a location most convenient for the participant and will include questions about discrimination experiences, mental health, and caregiver support.
  • If interested, at a later time, they may be contacted to participate in a 1-hour interview.
  • Interviews will be offered primarily in-person at a public location convenient to the participant (library, community center, etc.).  If an in-person interview is not possible, we can arrange a video call interview, instead. 


  • Both teen and caregiver will receive a gift card for participating.
Additional information
Study title:  Parental Support In Buffering The Negative Impacts Of Racial Discrimination On Mental Health: A Quantitatively-Oriented Mixed Methods Study Of Latine Adolescent-Parent Dyads In Indianapolis
The study is being conducted by Natalie Guerrero, MD, PhD at Indiana University School of Medicine. It is funded by the National Institutes of Health through the Pediatrician Scientist Development Program.
To learn more about Natalie Guerrero and her research interests, please visit this link:
For more information:, 317-274-0078

Eligibility of study

You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions: All
  • Age: 13 years - 17 years
  • Gender: All

Inclusion Criteria:
  • Teens ages 13-17 and one of their parents/guardians
  • Teen and guardian identify as Latine/x/o
  • Primary language is English or Spanish
  • Both teen and parent/guardian agree to participate

Online study
Updated on 06 Mar 2025. Study ID: 16925
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