Healthy Adults Needed for MRI Study of Movement and Brain Function

Alexandra Moussa-Tooks

Primary Investigator

Healthy Adults Needed for MRI Study of Movement and Brain Function
18 years - 55 years
Phase N/A
100 participants needed
1 Location

Brief description of study

Why is this study being done?

The purpose of this study is to understand how movement and sensory characteristics (e.g., posture, walking, hand and arm based reaching) present in psychotic disorders over time. 

Who can take part?

We are looking for healthy individuals, ages 18-55, who have never been diagnosed with psychosis.

Detailed description of study





What will happen during the study?

If you are eligible and choose to participate,

  • You will return to the lab 5 times over 6 months.

  • You will do some tests on the computer, as well as some paper and pencil tests, and some active movement tests where you will make hand or walking movements.
  • You will be asked to answer questions about your emotions, thoughts, and experiences, and if you have a psychiatric diagnosis, asked additional questions about symptoms.
  • Additionally, you will receive a brain scan.
  • Study visits occur in person at our lab in Bloomington, Indiana, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University Bloomington. Address, 1101 E 10th St. Rm. A208A
  • Each study visit is expected to last between 2 to 5 hours. 


  • You will receive $20/hour for participating in the clinical assessments, self-report questionnaires, and motor/cognitive tasks.
  • You will also receive an additional $30/hr for time participating in neuro-imaging. 
Additional information
Study title:  Longitudinal Assessment of Motor Disturbances in Psychosis Course and Recovery
The study is being conducted by Dr. Alexandra Moussa-Tooks at IU Bloomington in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences.
To learn more about Alexandra Moussa-Tooks, PhD, and her research interests, please visit this link:

Eligibility of study

You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions: Healthy
  • Age: 18 years - 55 years
  • Gender: All

Inclusion criteria:

  • Able to communicate in English
  • Normal or corrected to normal acuity, normal color vision, and no history of neurological problems

Exclusion criteria:

  • Current major psychiatric disorder as determined by DSM-5 (major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, brief psychotic disorder, etc.)
  • History of psychosis
  • Current use of psychotropic prescription medication
  • Unable to provide written informed consent
  • Any medical illness or condition that would interfere with participation in the study. This includes, but is not limited to, uncontrolled diabetes; hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease, or other significant endocrine condition (treated condition is allowed); demyelinating disease; HIV infection; CNS infection; clinically significant and unstable cardiovascular disease; cancer
  • Substance use disorder (excluding caffeine or nicotine) criteria met within the past 3 months
  • Active substance use and/or positive drug screen at visit 6
  • History of severe head trauma resulting in loss of consciousness for >30 minutes
  • A first-degree relative with a psychotic disorder
  • Contraindications for neuroimaging including but not limited to: pregnant or may be pregnant; surgery involving a metallic, mechanical, or magnetic implant (e.g., pacemaker, aneurism clip, stimulator); injury by a metallic object that may not have been completely removed (e.g., bullets, shrapnel, BBs); history of welding, grinding or cutting of metal; an injury to the eye involving a metallic object or fragment; claustrophobia; seizures/epilepsy; piercings that cannot be removed; mintrauterine device (IUD); tattoos or tattooed eyeliners possibly containing metal

Updated on 25 Mar 2025. Study ID: 20551 - HC


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