Improving Recovery after Orthopaedic Trauma: Cognitive-Behavioral Based Physical Therapy (CBPT)

Todd McKinley, MD

Primary Investigator


This research study is being done to help determine if patients will benefit from a program conducted over the phone to provide education and teach relaxation techniques, as well as how to use constructive thoughts and beliefs to reduce stress, increase physical function, and decrease disability after surgery for injury to the lower extremity, pelvis, and acetabulum.


This research study is being done to help determine if patients will benefit from a therapy program conducted over the phone to provide education and teach relaxation techniques as well as how to use constructive thoughts and beliefs to reduce stress, increase physical function, and decrease disability after surgery for injuries to the lower extremity, pelvis, and acetabulum.


You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
    Lower extremity injury,injury to lower extremity,injury to pelvis,injury to acetabulum
  • Age: Between 18 Years - 60 Years
  • Gender: All

Inclusion Criteria
Patients who are identified to have at least one acute orthopaedic injury to the lower extremities or pelvis/acetabulum
Injury resulting from a moderate to high energy force
Patients receiving operative fixation for one or more acute orthopaedic injuries at a participating hospital. Patients should be recruited at the time of primary injury, not revision or complication surgery.
Exclusion Criteria
Non-English speaking
Patients who are unable to start the program within 12 weeks of discharge from hospital because of multiple readmissions, admission to a rehabilitation facility, or other extenuating circumstances.
Patients with moderate or severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), as evidenced by intracranial hemorrhage present on admission CT. If no CT performed, patient assumed not to have moderate or severe TBI.
Patients with major amputations of the upper or lower extremities (great tow, thumb, or proximal to the wrist or ankle)
Patients who require a Legally Authorized Representative (as defined by an inability to answer the "Evaluation to Give Consent" questions
Patients non-ambulatory pre-injury or due to an associated spinal cord injury
History of dementia or Alzheimer's disease based on medical record or patient self-report
History of neurological disorder, disease or event, resulting in prior cognitive and/or physical impairment, such as prior TBI or stroke based on medical record or patient self-report
Presence of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder based on medical record or patient self-report

Additional Information:
Participants will be paid for their participation.

Updated on 07 May 2024. Study ID: 1803734161

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