Investigating the role of T2R38 taste receptors in influencing the susceptibility to Periodontitis

Mythily Srinivasan

Primary Investigator

Enrolling By Invitation
18 years - 100 years
Phase N/A
90 participants needed
1 Location

Brief description of study

What is the purpose of this study?
The aim of this study is to investigate and correlate the susceptibility of homozygous recessive genotype (AVI/AVI, non-taster) individuals to periodontitis. Using saliva collected from the subjects for research purposes and compared with periodontal examination results (standard of care), we hypothesize that individuals with T2R38 receptor non-taster (AVI/AVI) haplotype will exhibit increased severity of chronic periodontitis compared to those with taster (AVI/PAV) or super-taster (PAV/PAV) T2R38 haplotype.
THIS STUDY IS ENROLLING BY INVITATION ONLY - Subjects will be recruited chairside by the research team during a scheduled visit to the Fritts clinic or Graduate Periodontics clinic. Those who express interest in the project will complete the consent process. The scheduled appointment will collect data needed for the study as standard of care.

Detailed description of study

What will happen during the study?

  • Saliva will be collected for laboratory analysis.  Subjects may choose to have the research portion of the study collected at the scheduled visit or at a separate visit.
  • Participants are required to be free of symptoms related to cold, flu, sinusitis, pharyngitis, salivary gland infections, or other relevant conditions during the data collection of the salivary samples.

Eligibility of study

You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions: Generalized chronic periodontitis
  • Age: 18 years - 100 years
  • Gender: All

Inclusion criteria: 
•    ASA: Class I or II  
•    Evidence of bone loss at radiographic evaluation for periodontitis patients
•    No bone loss for gingival health on an intact periodontium/ reduced periodontium in a non-periodontitis patient.
Exclusion criteria: 
•    Patients with a documented history of local radiotherapy to the head and neck region within the last 6 months.
•    Individuals who have used antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs in the last 6 months will be confirmed.

Updated on 26 Nov 2024. Study ID: IUSD-IIR-TASTE-RECEPTORS, 24238
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