Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism

Martin Plawecki, MD, PhD

Primary Investigator

Enrolling By Invitation
40 years - 100 years
Phase N/A
600 participants needed
1 Location

Brief description of study

What is the purpose of this study?

The overarching aim of the COGA project is to identify and understand genetic mechanisms underlying alcohol use disorders and related disorders. The current research data collection methods represent a continuation of the COGA methodologies that have evolved over the course of the study. The major focus of this cycle is
to continue to test adults over the age of 40, into later-life to understand risk and resilience for
alcohol use disorders over the lifespan.

THIS STUDY IS ENROLLING BY INVITATION ONLY - In the current protocol (Lifespan Study), no new families will be recruited, and we will only draw upon members of the existing Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA) pedigrees who are now over the age of 40 from previous phases of COGA (e.g., prospective study, lifespan study in current cycle, older subjects who previously participated in COGA over the last 30 years). All have given prior approval to be re-contacted by COGA. For this study we will only test participants 40 years of age and older. 

Detailed description of study

What will happen during the study?

  • Over the next 5 years, each participant in our sample will participate in at least 1 round of data collection.
  • Some participants may complete all or part of the collection twice (in particular some participants who complete the protocol in the first year may be eligible for a second round in the last year, or a participant may return to repeat a session due to a problem that affected the data in their first session).
  • Data collection includes providing clinical and demographic data (SSAGA clinical interview), behavioral questionnaires and scales (e.g., impulsivity, sensation seeking, craving, family history, environmental), neuropsychological tests, and an EEG session collecting neurophysiological data (brain oscillations derived from resting and task event-related EEG).
  • Participants may complete part of this by video conference or by phone, and full completion could require multiple sessions. These sessions are conducted by trained research staff

Eligibility of study

You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions: Alcohol use disorder, Alcoholism
  • Age: 40 years - 100 years
  • Gender: All
Updated on 13 Jan 2025. Study ID: PSYC-IIR-COGA, 24256
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