FERN-International: Management of Selective Fetal Growth Restriction in Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy: A multicentre prospective observational study

Hiba Mustafa, MD

Primary Investigator

Enrolling By Invitation
18 years - 100 years
Phase N/A
12 participants needed
1 Location

Brief description of study

What is the purpose of this study?

To study perinatal outcomes and management options in monochorionic (MC) twin pregnancies with selective fetal growth Restriction (sFGR)

THIS STUDY IS ENROLLING BY INVITATION ONLY - The standard of care at our MFM practice is that monochorionic twin pregnancies complicated with selective fetal growth restriction to be referred to Riley Fetal Center for evaluation. Eligible pregnancies will be identified once they are referred to the center. Recruitment and consenting will occur at Riley Fetal Center by one of the study personnel.

Detailed description of study

What will happen during the study?

  • The study team will access participant health records and collect data on the pregnancy.
  • This data will include information on the management option chosen for the pregnancy and how the pregnancy progressed. 

Eligibility of study

You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions: Monochorionic twin pregnancy complicated with selective fetal growth restriction, Riley
  • Age: 18 years - 100 years
  • Gender: Female

Inclusion criteria:

Currently pregnant with an MCDA twin pregnancy complicated by sFGR


Updated on 10 Dec 2024. Study ID: OBGYN-IIR-FERN, 24830
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