Health Research
and Clinical Studies

All IN for Health provides a list of hundreds of active health studies happening right here in Indiana. These health studies are conducted by faculty at Indiana University, Purdue University, and the University of Notre Dame.

All IN for Health provides a list of hundreds of active health studies happening right here in Indiana. These health studies are conducted by faculty at Indiana University, Purdue University, and the University of Notre Dame.

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Children, Families & Pregnancy
Alcohol, Tobacco, or Other Substance Use
Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia
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Bones, Muscles and Joints
Brain, Spine & Nervous System
Covid-19 & Infectious Disease
Diabetes, Heart and Blood Vessels
Digestive System (GI), Bowel & Liver
Health Mental, Behavioral Health & Developmental Conditions
Healthy Volunteer
Diet, Nutrition, Exercise, & Sleep

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Children, Families & Pregnancy
Alcohol, Tobacco, or Other Substance Use
Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia
Asthma,Lungs & Allergies
Bones, Muscles and Joints
Brain, Spine & Nervous System
Covid-19 & Infectious Disease
Diabetes, Heart and Blood Vessels
Digestive System (GI), Bowel & Liver
Health Mental, Behavioral Health & Developmental Conditions
Healthy Volunteer
Diet, Nutrition, Exercise, & Sleep

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Alcohol, Tobacco or Other Substance Use
Brain, Spine and Nerves
Diet, Exercise and Nutrition
Healthy Volunteers
Mental and Behavioral Health
Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
Autoimmune Disease
Bladder and Kidneys
Bones, Muscles and Joints
Community and Environmental Health
Eye Conditions
Genetic and Rare Conditions
GI, Liver and Pancreas
Hearing, Speech and Language
Heart Health
Infectious Disease
Lungs, Asthma and Allergies
Maternal, Infant and Child Health
Online Studies
Public Health Studies
Skin and Wounds
Surgery, Transplant and Imaging
Thyroid, Hormones and Metabolism

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Recently added/updated trials

Effects of Kinesio tape on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Kelly Naugle
18 years - 30 years
Accepts healthy volunteer
All genders
Why is this study being done?The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Kinesio tape on delayed onset muscle soreness of the biceps muscle of your arm following strenuous eccentric exercise of the bicep muscle. Delayed onset muscle soreness is the pain and stiffness felt in the muscles several hours to days after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise. Kinesio tape is elastic therapeutic tape that health practitioners have used for all types of acute, subacute, and chronic clinical conditions
 How Do You Move? Participants Needed for MRI Study

How Do You Move? Participants Needed for MRI Study

Alexandra Moussa-Tooks
18 years - 55 years
All genders
Why is this study being done?The purpose of this study is to understand how movement and sensory characteristics (e.g., posture, walking, hand and arm based reaching) present in psychotic disorders over time.   Who can take part?We are looking for individuals, ages 18-55, who have been diagnosed with Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Schizophreniform Disorder, or any other type of psychotic disorder.
 Healthy Adults Needed for MRI Study of Movement and Brain Function

Healthy Adults Needed for MRI Study of Movement and Brain Function

Alexandra Moussa-Tooks
18 years - 55 years
Accepts healthy volunteer
All genders
Why is this study being done?The purpose of this study is to understand how movement and sensory characteristics (e.g., posture, walking, hand and arm based reaching) present in psychotic disorders over time. Who can take part?We are looking for healthy individuals, ages 18-55, who have never been diagnosed with psychosis.

Dermatology Clinical Research Recruitment Database

Elizabeth Bryant, MD
18 years - 100 years
Accepts healthy volunteer
All genders
The purpose of this study is to establish a recruitment database of individuals who have contacted the research staff in the department of dermatology expressing interest in participating in clinical research and requesting to be contacted if eligible to participate.
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Online study
 Adults Ages 18-45 Needed for Social Decision-Making Study

Adults Ages 18-45 Needed for Social Decision-Making Study

Krista Wisner
18 years - 45 years
Accepts healthy volunteer
All genders
Do people think of you as eccentric? Do you have special abilities such as receiving special messages, or hearing things other people do not? Do you feel as if mind-reading or telepathy are real?  If any of the above statements sometimes describe you, you may be eligible for a study at Indiana University that investigates social decision-making in people with these experiences.  We are inviting adults ages 18-45 to participate.  Study participation involves attending 3 visits  to complete questionnaires, interviews, cognitive tests, and an MRI scan of your brain while you play a social decision-making game. Some visits must occur at IU Bloomington and others may have the option of occurring in Indianapolis or virtually. 

An investigation into the genetic basis of human externally visible characteristics

Susan Walsh
18 years - 100 years
Accepts healthy volunteer
All genders
The purpose of this study is to contribute to research in the prediction of the physical appearance of an individual from genetic material, i.e. DNA.

Reliability of spoken discourse in speakers with aphasia

Brielle Stark
18 years - 100 years
Accepts healthy volunteer
All genders
This study is recruiting participants to take part in a new study examining speech and attention abilities in older adult speakers and speakers with brain injury (e.g. stroke, traumatic brain injury, etc).